Position Summary
The Graf lab seeks to fill Postdoctoral Positions in the areas of microbial ecology and microbiome research. One USDA-funded project involves utilizing next-generation sequencing technologies and ddPCR to characterize microbial communities and detect fish pathogens. A second project involves characterizing alterations of the medicinal leech’s innate immune response to invasive bacteria. The successful applicant is encouraged to participate in a wide range 16S rRNA survey collaborations. We are an interdisciplinary team and the ability to work well in a team and communicate well are critical. Depending on the project, relevant expertise in molecular biology, molecular genetics, microbial community analysis, statistics or bioinformatics is required. The positions are in Dr. Graf’s lab the University of Connecticut in Storrs, CT. http://joerggraflab.com/
Minimum Qualifications: Qualified applicants must have a Ph.D. in microbiology or immunology or a related area and a publication record. The candidate must have relevant technical experience expertise in molecular biology, molecular genetics, next generation sequencing, microbial community analysis, statistics or bioinformatics.
Preferred Qualifications: Highly desirable is a strong background in microbial ecology, innate immunity or microbiome science. Excellence in team-work, strong verbal and written communication skills and the ability to work independently are a plus.
To Apply
Screening of candidates will begin immediately and remain open until filled. Interested applicants must apply electronically joerg.graf@uconn.edu, submitting a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and the names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers of three professional references. For questions regarding this position, prospective applicants should email joerg.graf@uconn.edu, University of Connecticut, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, Unit 3124, 91 N. Eagleville Road, Storrs, CT 06269-3124.
The University of Connecticut encourages applications from under-represented groups, including minorities, women, and people with disabilities.