A Glossary compiled by students from MCB 233:
- abscess A localized collection of pus in part of the body; formed by tissue disintegration and surrounded by an inflamed area
- acid-resistant Refers to organisms that are resistant to acid washout of stain due to a tough outer wax covering; characteristic of tubercle bacillus
- ACIP Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices
- aerobic Containing oxygen; referring to an organism, cellular process, or environment that requires oxygen
- aerosol Droplet suspended in the air that may contain microorganisms; major route of inhalation transmission
- agar A gelatinous material derived from certain marine algae; base for bacterial culture media
- agglutination The clumping together of red blood cells or bacteria, usually in response to a particular antibody
- amantadine An antiviral drug, C10H17N·HCl, also used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease; particularly used for influenza virus
- ameba Any of various one-celled aquatic or parasitic protozoans of the genus Amoeba or related genera, having no definite form and consisting of a mass of protoplasm containing one or more nuclei surrounded by a flexible outer membrane. It moves by means of pseudopods
- amphotericin B An antibiotic derived from strains of the actinomycete Streptomyces nodosus and used specifically in treating systemic fungal infections
- anaerobic Not containing oxygen; referring to an organism, cellular process, or environment that does not require oxygen
- anemia A pathological deficiency in the oxygen-carrying component of the blood, measured in unit volume concentrations of hemoglobin, red blood cell volume, or red blood cell number
- antibody An antigen binding immunoglobin; effector in immune response produced by B cells
- antigen A substance that when introduced into the body stimulates the production of an antibody; includes anything the body sees as foreign
- antigenic drift Refers to minor changes in viral proteins due to gene mutations (point); usually refers to influenza virus
- antigenic shift Refers to major changes in viral proteins due to gene reassortment; usually refers to influenza virus
- asexual Relating to, produced by, or involving reproduction that occurs without the union of male and female gametes, as in binary fission or budding
- asymptomatic infection A type of infection without symptoms
- attenuated Refers to a bacteria or virus that has been made to be less virulent; often used in vaccines
- B-cells (B- Lymphocytes) Lymphocytes that respond to antigen by proliferation and differentiation into memory cells and plasma cells; plasma cells secrete antibody; differentiate in the bone marrow
- binary fission One mode of asexual reproduction that involves the splitting of a parent cell into two approximately equal parts
- biofilm A complex, multi-cellular structure formed by certain bacteria when they adhere to surfaces in aqueous environments; Characterized by excretion of slimy, glue-like substances that can anchor them to many types of materials
- bronchitis Chronic or acute inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bronchial tubes
- cAMP cyclic AMP; a second messenger of eukaryotic cells
- capsid The protein covering of some viruses; composed of capsomere subunits; possible stimulus for immune response
- capsule Slimy outer coating of bacteria; a virulence factor that confers resistance to phagocytosis
- carrier A person/animal that shows no symptoms of a disease but harbors the infectious agent of that disease and may transmit it to others
- CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- chloroquine A drug, C18H26ClN3, used mainly in the treatment and prevention of malaria
- complement Refers to a protein belonging to the complement system- a branch of innate immunity responsible for inflammatory response, phagocytosis, and cell lysis in response to foreign cells
- conformational change A predictable movement within a protein that is associated with biological activity
- cyst Dormant form of a protozoa; stable transmitted form that is resistant to dessication
- cytoplasm Entire contents of the cell that excludes the nucleus and is bound by theplasma membrane
- cytotoxic Refers to substances that are toxic to cells
- dehydroemetine A synthetic derivative of emetine; used in the treatment of intestinal amoebiasis
- desiccation To dehydrate or remove water content
- diloxanide furoate 2,2-Dichloro-4'-hydroxy-N-methylacetanilide furoate; an amoebicide used in the treatment of dysentery
- dimorphic phenomenon of fungi to exist as both different growth forms under different environmental conditions, either as molds or yeast- filamentous and unicellular respectively
- disseminate Spread of an organism to a distant site
- doxycycline A broad-spectrum antibiotic, C22H24N2O8, derived from tetracycline
- edema An excessive accumulation of serous fluid in tissue spaces or a body cavity
- electrolyte Various ions, such as sodium, potassium, or chloride, required by cells to regulate the electric charge and flow of water molecules across the cell membrane
- ELISA (Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) A highly sensitive immunoassay that uses an enzyme linked to an antibody or antigen as a marker for the detection of a specific protein, usually an antigen or antibody; often used as a diagnostic test to determine exposure to a particular infectious agent by identifying antibodies present in a blood sample
- endemic Refers to a type of disease or pathogen that is consistently found in a population; examples are dental caries, gonorrhea, and athlete’s foot
- endoplasmic reticulum An extensive membrane network’ continuous with the nucleus, found in eukaryotic cells; two versions- rough and smooth
- Enterovirus small viruses that are made of ribonucleic acid (RNA) and protein. This group includes the polioviruses, coxsackieviruses, and echoviruses
- epidemic A local outbreak of disease in a population that is determined by an increase above the baseline level for the population
- epithelial cells Compose the epithelial layer- cells separated by very little intercellular substance and form the covering of most internal and external surfaces of the body and its organs
- erythrocytes Red blood cells
- erythromycin An antibiotic obtained from a strain of the actinomycete Streptomyces erythreus, effective against many gram-positive bacteria and some gram-negative bacteria
- exotoxins Toxins that are secreted by a microorganism and released into the medium in which it grows
- fastidious Refers to organisms that have complex nutritional requirements; characteristic of parasitic species
- fimbriae Protrusions from the cell surface usually referring to pili; responsible for bacteria attachment to surfaces
- fungus Eukaryotes belonging to the kingdom Eumycota; free living in environmental sources; usually dimorphic; pathogenic strains can cause superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, or systemic infection
- G protein A GTP binding protein that acts as a switch to turn activities on or off
- gametocyte A cell from which gametes develop by meiotic division, usually refers to a spermatocyte or an oocyte
- gastroenteritis Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines
- Gram negative Group of bacteria that do not retain crystal violet staining and instead stain red or pink; reflective of the lack of the peptidoglycan layer; contain Lipopolysaccharide (endotoxin)
- hemolysin A substance, such as an antibody or a bacterial toxin, that causes the destruction of red blood cells; results in the release of hemoglobin
- hemorrhage Excessive loss of blood from the blood vessels; profuse bleeding
- hepatocyte A parenchymal cell of the liver
- humoral The branch of immunity that includes antibodies
- icosahedral One type of arrangement of the capsomer subunits of the viral capsid; icosahedral symmetry refers to an arrangement of 20 triangular faces and 12 vertices
- immunity Inherited, acquired, or induced resistance to infection by a specific pathogen
- immunoglobin Refers to a superfamily of proteins that have similar domains andcompose the polypeptide chains of antibodies
- in vitro In an artificial environment outside the living organism
- in vivo Within a living organism
- incidence Refers to diease transmission, the number of cases of the disease in a specific subset of the population
- incubation period The period between infection and the appearance of symptoms of the disease
- inflammation A localized protective reaction of tissue to irritation, injury, or infection, characterized by pain, redness, swelling, and sometimes loss of function
- interleukin-1 A cytokine involved in many inflammatory effects including fever induction, increased adhesion molecules, increased vascular permeability and induction of respiratory burst
- iodoquinol One of the halogenated 8-quinolinols widely used as an intestinal antiseptic, particularly as an antiamebic agent; also used topically in other infections
- itraconazole A broad-spectrum antifungal agent administered orally to treat a variety of fungal infections
- lipid A Lipid anchor of Lipopolysaccharide layer of gram negative bacteria; composed of disaccharides with short chain fatty acid and phosphate group attachments
- LPS Bacterial lipopolysaccharide, outer bilayer of gram negative bacteria; endotoxin
- lysis The dissolution or destruction of cells; usually by the action of a specific lysin that disrupts the cell membrane
- lytic cycle Type of viral replication cycle that results in the release of new phages by lysis of the host cell
- malaise Unspecified feeling of bodily discomfort; as at the beginning of an illness
- meningitis Inflammation of the meninges of the brain and the spinal cord; of bacterial or viral origin, characterized by fever, vomiting, intense headache, and stiff neck
- morbidity rate Incidence of disease in a population, includes fatal and nofatal cases
- mortality rate The ratio of deaths in an area to the population of that area; expressed per 1000 per year
- mucus Slimy covering of some membranes that provides a protective mechanical and chemical barrier
- necrosis Refers to cell death as a result of injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body
- neutrophil A granular white blood cell capable of phagocytosis
- non-motile Not capable of movement
- nonenveloped Category of viruses without an envelope; the envelope is usually comprised of virus specific proteins plus host derived components
- nosocomial Refers to hospital acquired infection
- nucleus The organelle that contains the eukaryotic cell’s genetic material
- opportunistic pathogen A pathogen that is marginally pathogenic and requires an compromised host to cause serious infection
- parasite An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism and does not contribute anything to host survival
- paromomycin An antibiotic in pill form used for the treatment of intestinal infections, cryptosporidiosis in particular; Possible side effects include stomach upset and diarrhea
- Peyer’s patches Lymphoid nodules found in the small intestines
- pneumonia An acute or chronic disease characterized by inflammation of the lungs; usually caused by viruses, bacteria, or other microorganisms
- point mutation A mutation that changes only one small area of one nucleotide of a gene
- protease Refers to an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolytic breakdown of proteins into peptides or amino acids; including the endopeptidases and exopeptidases
- quorum sensing Regulatory pathways in prokaryotes that respond to population density
- receptor-mediated endocytosis Refers to the uptake of specific extracellular macromolecules following their binding to specific receptors on the external surface of the plasma membrane
- reservoirs Sources of pathogens in the environment that do not participate directly in transmission to humans, examples
- rimantadine An RNA synthesis inhibitor that is used as an antiviral agent in the prophylaxis and treatment of influenza
- RNA Ribonucleic Acid
- saprophytic Refers to an organism that grows on and derives its nourishment from dead or decaying organic matter; especially fungus or bacteria
- seasonal distribution Refers to the pattern of disease of a pathogen that varies with the season; example rotavirus has a defined seasonal distribution
- septate hyphae Hyphae are filaments that molds grow as; septate refers to hyphae that are divided by partitions
- strain A group of organisms of the same species, having distinctive characteristics but not usually considered a separate breed or variety
- systemic infection An infection not localized in the body, disseminated widely throughout the body
- T-cells (T- Lymphocytes) Lymphocytes that respond to antigen by proliferation and differentiation into Cytotoxic T-cells and Helper T-cells; differentiate in the thymus
- tissue tropic A pathogen’s predilection for specific tissues either due to chemotaxis or specific receptors and environments
- trophozoite Active form of a protozoa; capable of growth and replication by binary fission
- tuberculate Refers to tubercles
- tumor necrosis factor (TNF-alpha) A cytokine secreted by activated macrophages and T-cells whose action includes inflammatory effects, apoptosis, cachexia, and induction of fever
- vaccine A preparation of a weakened or killed pathogen, such as a bacterium or virus, or of a portion of the pathogen's structure that upon administration stimulates antibody production or cellular immunity against the pathogen but is incapable of causing severe infection
- vector An organism that carries disease-causing microorganisms from one host to another; for example a mosquito or tick
- virulence factors Microbial characteristics that increase infectivity or severity of disease; examples include adhesins, toxins, and LPS
- zygote The cell formed by the union of two gametes, for example a fertilized ovum before cleavage